Friday, May 25, 2012

Giving up a dream

Ballet is more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle. It lasts all day every day. Posture, muscle size, pain - all of the time. And now that I've given up on ballet because of my spondylolisthesis (or maybe just my inability to be an average ballet dancer), I miss ballet class. But the lifestyle is mostly the same. I couldn't walk yesterday because my achilles tendon hurt so badly. I haven't done ballet in 6 months, and my achilles tendon hurts. That's not fair. 

I think I've been generally happy, but only as happy as a girl can be when she denies herself of her only dream. I think about ballet every single day. Everything relates to it. I think about it all of the time. I am still a ballerina in every way.
1. When I consider eating something, I think about calorie content and nutrition because I don't want to be fat or clogging my arteries.
2. When I walk, I feel the pain in my back, my hips, my knees, and my ankles. That's not to mention my heels made of sandpaper and the thick corns on my pinky toes.
3. Whenever I turn my body or bend sideways, I feel the fat rolls. During ballet, I would do movements twice as twisty as the ones I do now, and my skin would never touch any other skin. It's disgusting.
4. When I exercise, it's a lot harder to do the same number of reps as when I was 14. That was six years ago.
5. When I see younger ballet friends from home, they ask me how ballet has been. What am I supposed to say? "Oh, sorry, I know that you look up to me, but I quit because I wasn't good enough." Let me tell you how upset that makes me. I don't like letting people down like that.
6. When I listen to music, I choreograph dances in my head. I can't stop it. I've always wondered what other people do when they listen to music.
7. When I study, I think about how much I'd rather be dancing in a company instead of being in school for 5 more years. I met a dancer from Pittsburg Ballet (or something like that) who became a physical therapist after she was a principal dancer. That could have been me.
8. When people talk about going to the gym to work out, I always think to myself that I don't have to do that because ballet keeps me in shape. Well, it didn't, and now I stopped, so that's not going to change.
9. When I look at my beautifully arched feet that so many dancer friends/teachers of mine would love to have, I feel horribly because there are other people who would use my feet for ballet. I used to pointe them for fun in the months after I stopped dancing, but that made them cramp up because I lost my muscle strength. I stopped pointing them because I can't even fucking pointe my toes anymore. I learned to do that when I was 3. My mom said I pointed my toes when I came out of her womb. 

Dear everyone who has asked me if I miss ballet,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Drunk College Kids

Future kan I'm soooooo drunk to point worldd is s2i8mminvg will deeaswcribearty tomo9rrrow will slwwp up9on em Entrance to room. Fick if you want I wint remember toni8ght.

That's a text from my boyfriend's roommate in response to my boyfriend's text saying, "Where are you man?" At approximately 10 pm on a Saturday night. Oh, college.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


What should I do? I have to make a huge decision.

Become a doctor? Work my ass off forever? Forever... I could have money and... wow. Is that the only perk? That, and occupational prestige?

Become a physical therapist? Be mediocre? I'm mediocre now, but I wasn't always that way.

Which one is me? Which am I supposed to be? Which one would I rather be? Which one is better?

Will I be the best at what I do no matter what it is? Or am I not that intelligent and motivated? I know I used to be.

I just spent 5 minutes talking to my reflection. The reflection is the enemy. I gave it a pep talk, and it understands that it is:

It's all going to change.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why Can't I Change?

"You ask me how I'm doing, I would say I'm doing just fine. I would lie and say that you're not on my mind."

I need the old me back. Now.

I might fail a class, maybe two. Who does that? Not me. Definitely not me.

Mixed emotions. I have a boyfriend as of yesterday! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Regretting the Present, Wishing for the Past, and Anxious for the Future

All I want to do is go back to my old ways. There is a good chance that I'll fail TWO classes this semester and get a B in another one of my classes. That's an abomination.

I'm dating someone, which is good. Having an interest in 6 guys was too much to handle. Hence the horrible grades.

I'm losing weight! I'm also giving up on ballet entirely. I guess "hopeful ballerina" is a bad name for this blog now... I've lost all hope and I'm not a ballerina.