Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day One of My Old Lifestyle

Going back to what I used to be.  103 pounds and happy.  Mark my words- by May 2012 I will get there.

Ballet class makes me feel like a fat, malfunctioning, uncoordinated robot.

That can be fixed... by losing 30 pounds. LET'S DO THIS THING.

Monday, August 8, 2011


It is absolutely stunning!
Unfortunately, this is not me. 

Cleaning up my life!

CLEANING CLEANING CLEANING! ALL DAY LONG!  I cleaned out my closet and I found a lot of old photo albums and diaries, as well as old childhood toys.  Sometimes I wonder whether I was spoiled or if I am just a hoarder! Probably a combination of both...

Anyways, I'm trying to clean up my room before I go back to college.  I want to keep only really important things from my childhood because I don't have enough space to keep everything forever!  A lot of it means so much to me, but it's not really all that important.  I hope to have an emptier room when I leave for college because I really need to move on with my life and grow up!  I'm hoping that cleaning out my childhood room will make me feel older. When I come here, I still feel like a child.  I need to become more of an adult, get my "first" job, lose weight, make more friends/connections, and BE HAPPY.  

Lessons of the day:
Cats are the best.
Don't obsess over men.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I should be sleeping!

It's 2:30 am and I am still awake. Each night I go to sleep just a little bit later... And I know it's not good for me! In a month when I am back in college I will wish that I had nights like this to sleep from 11 pm until noon the next day!!!

Staying awake is very irresponsible of me, so now it's time for sleep and to give me my fingers a break from getting arthritis! :(

From my email!

I hope this worked! Usually I'm good with technology...

First day of my blog!

Well, I have finally joined the blogging world. I don't think anyone will ever read my blog, but that could be a good thing... I just want to get my thoughts out of my head, I guess! My mom and I had a discussion about the fact that what people post on the internet lasts forever, so here I am making my thoughts last longer than myself!  If that's not egotistical, then I don't know what is... But who doesn't want to think they're important?

I always used to write in a diary, like all little girls, but now I don't like the physical act of writing. Typing is so much more fun, and for people like me the result is much neater.  This is going to be a diary that I can never lose, not that I lose things... I mean, everything is in my room somewhere...

What I have learned today: